Unfolding Blooms


               Devansh Bansal
Q: One thing you liked the most on your first day at Damco?
     I was excited to meet all my old friends and colleagues. It was a great day.

Q: Which project has given you a fulfilling experience at Damco?
     Working on presales initiative is satisfying experience.

Q: The most challenging task for you in your one year tenure?
     Getting right competence aboard for Magento project and make it a success.

Q: According to you, what new initiatives should the organization introduce to develop a better work culture?
    a)Link rewards and recognition to achievement of results.
    b)Promote extensive cross-business sharing of ideas, best practices, and learning.
    c)Emphasis on quality systems.

Q: Your plans for the coming years…..
    a)Work with sales and technical teams to get bigger accounts for Damco.
    b)Participate in crafting and implementation of strategies for organization growth.

  On a lighter note..

  Q: What is you favourite junk food to snack on?
       I am a complete foodie; I do not follow any rules. I am vegetarian by choice.

  Q: What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
       I used to play lots of video games.

  Q: What do you often eat for your breakfast?
       Generally, I take cornflakes/ oats with milk; sometimes paranthas.

  Q: What’s the first thing that brings smile on your face every morning?
       My family.

  Q: The most important person in your life and why?
       My daughter - Lavanya. Fatherhood is itself a great feeling.

  Q: Most memorable moment of your child hood.
       My class teacher announced that I have scored highest (96/100) in social science in Class 5 and all students should refer to my answer sheet. I was surprised to        hear that. Why -> I was actually expecting duck as I didn’t know single answer but attempted to my best knowledge.

  Q: Your hidden talents.
       My hidden talent is so hidden; I still cannot find it myself. When I do, I won't let you guys know or it will no longer be hidden.